CallRail Integrations Webinar Discussion

Community manager
Good morning CallRail Community!
We have some questions for you about your integrations. Let us know in the comments below:
- What integrations do you have today and love? How do they positively impact your workflow?
- What pain points do you currently experience in your standard workflow today?
- What automation would you benefit most from in your daily processes? Why?
- What other software in your tech stack would you see a benefit from CallRail integrating with?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you all and learning more about the integrations you're using! Feel free to answer one or all the above.
A recording of the "CallRail Integrations and the Effectiveness of your SaaS Suite" webinar can be found at this link here.
@... - You're probably sick and tired of me talking GA4 at this point, but do you anticipate a future webinar specific to GA4 & CR's integration? It would be great to get a firmer grasp and can/can't dos and have an interactive Q&A on the topic.
James Bowen GA4 is top of mind for many, so I definitely understand.
Yes! We have an upcoming product webinar in early March that will spend a good chunk of time on GA4. The date and registration link should go live next week. I will post about it in community and open the comments for any specific questions you'd like to be answered by our product manager during the webinar.
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