How are you using AI at work?

While everyday AI-powered tools like Siri, Google Maps, and Netflix have been part of our lives for years, AI has entered the business realm in a way we’ve never seen before. And with an influx of new tools available for every task imaginable – we’re curious to know how small businesses are embracing AI (or not) and whether it's helping you be more efficient and productive in your daily operations. 

For some, the AI revolution has been an exciting opportunity, ripe with potential. And for others, it’s been a bit intimidating or overhyped. Since AI is a foreign concept to many, they may not even realize they’re actually using AI. To put it in perspective – which of these tools do you think uses AI?: 

  • Digital assistants (e.g., Siri/Alexa/Hey Google)
  • Google Maps 
  • Apple Face ID
  • Social media 
  • Amazon 
  • Streaming Services (eg, YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Disney+)
  • ChatGPT
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Roomba vacuum cleaners
  • Search engines (Google, Bing)

Did you select them all? If so – good for you! But if you missed any, don’t worry, because we’re on this AI learning journey together. Whether you’re using AI yet or not – let us know your plans. Are you hoping to try some new tools in the next year? Are there barriers to adoption such as a lack of knowledge, budget, or time to evaluate new tools – or other reasons keeping you from trying it out for yourself?

If you’re wondering about our stance – at CallRail, we believe that it’s not about AI – it’s about what you do with it. So whether you’re an AI early adopter using various AI programs to optimize your daily tasks – or you think AI is just out to steal your data and your job — let us know where you fall. We’d love to hear from you. 



Date Votes
  • I have been using a video review program (Loom) to review different campaigns for our clients. AI transcribes what I say (and makes it sounds great!)  and even titles each video I create based on what I say. 

  • When I first heard about ChatGPT I asked it to help me make a Vision Statement as well as a Mission Statement. As crazy as it sounds I was road blocked when trying to get this done for over a year.  In 10 min after putting some of the details into ChatGPT, I had my two Statements and finally finished my policy book. 

  • Hey Erica Daley,

    Using AI to help with video creation sounds like such a great use. 

    Ted Kelly I've definitely had moments where I'm blocked, and using tools like AI to get past that is so helpful.

    Thanks both of you for sharing this with us, and welcome to the community!


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