
Conversions not showing in Google Ads.

Code installed correctly on all pages. Verified through CallRail. Everything enabled within Google Ads and have call reporting “Off” to avoid any discrepancy. Using forms, extensions and calls to a number on the site. Everything looks clean and correct, but conversions are not showing in Google Ads. Please help, what should I be looking for? Some calls are reporting, some are not. Some forms are recording, some are not.


1 comment
Date Votes
  • Good morning Josh. Thank you for your question!

    If you are not seeing all the conversions in your Google Ads account, there are a few things you'll want to be on the lookout for.

    • Are the correct dates selected? CallRail will show the conversion based on when the caller contacts you, but Google dates that conversion to when the ad was clicked. If these two dates are different, you might not see the conversion listed for the same date in Google Ads as you do in CallRail.
    • Not all calls to your Google mobile click-to-call extension number will show as conversions. This is because if someone sees the number on a desktop and dials it without clicking on the number to call, these calls will not have a Google click ID (gclid), so they will not count as conversions in Google Ads. That is why we recommend setting up the Google Ads Call Details Forwarding integration instead of the mobile click to call integration. This will ensure every call to your extension numbers are tracked. 

    Here's an article with more details about why conversions might not be showing in your Google Ads account. I suggest reviewing that article and making the necessary changes. Keep in mind, it can take up to 24 hours for the updates to take effect. 

    If you're still having issues, I would suggest reaching out to support with specific example of Google Ads calls/forms that should have shown as conversions in your Google Ads account but are not. This will help the team troubleshoot this for you much quicker. 


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