What's new in the HubSpot integration for forms

Good news! In our latest update to the HubSpot integration, we made some improvements to aid in tracking form fills more accurately.

Improved success rate for State and Source form fields

We've improved the success rate of passing through State and/or Source form fields (plus all other interactions!) into HubSpot. 

  • State will now successfully pass through with the complete state name or its 2-character abbreviation (e.g., Georgia or GA).
  • If you're specifically using a dropdown for Source in HubSpot, you'll see it successfully pass through via a new text field called Call tracking source. 


Choose which interactions to send to HubSpot

You also now have the ability to select exactly which interactions you'd like to send to HubSpot:

  • inbound calls
  • outbound calls
  • text messages
  • forms

*If you choose to uncheck an interaction type, you won't see any contacts or activities posted from that interaction type.


Forms fields can now be populated individually

Lastly, your form data can now pass through to Contact records as individual fields, as opposed to passing it through in one big chunk to the Form capture data field. To do this, you'll need to set up each field as Custom Properties (see Mapping non-HubSpot form fields and HubSpot properties section of this article for more info).

**If you choose not to set up custom property for a form field, details submitted for that form field will still be available in the form submission data, and in the form capture data field on the contact.

We would love to hear what you think of these updates. Drop any questions or comments below!




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