Form submissions search

You can search your form submissions for words, phrases, or a set of search terms for a deeper understanding of what your customers look for when contacting you through your website.

Getting started

Using CallRail's search tool on your forms will only search through the forms captured by CallRail. If you haven't already set up form tracking, you can follow the steps in this help article to do so.

Form Tracking with CallRail.

Use these instructions to search the forms in your account.

  1. Click Analytics on the left navigation bar. 

  2. Click Activity at the top of the page.

  3. Choose the company whose forms you'd like to search.

  4. Choose Search Submissions from the Forms header on the left.

  5. Enter a search term or a set of search terms. Separate multiple search terms with commas and use quotations for exact matches.

  6. Your results are ordered by how many times your search term(s) appear in the form itself. Your search terms are also highlighted in the preview.


  7. Click the Timeline icon to see more about this customer and their interactions with your business. 

  8. Select Form Data to add a note, score the form as a qualified lead, or to add tags and values to that submission.

Filter your search results

You can filter your form search results by date range, qualified status, and tag.

  1. Select the Filter by button at the top right of the page to filter your search results.



How are my results ordered?
These search results are ordered by how frequently your search terms appeared in the form submission.

Can I only search for terms that I've set up my keyword spotted sets?
You can search your forms for any terms or keywords, regardless of whether or not they're included in one of your keyword spotting sets.

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