Text Messages by Tag custom report

You can create a custom report that shows the total number of texts involving enabled tags in your account, with a breakdown by type for each tag you select. 

Learn more about creating tags in this help article.

Need to print, export, or save a report? You can follow the instructions in this article to do so.

Create a Texts by Tag custom report

Use these instructions to create a custom report. For example, you can use this setup to create a custom report that shows the total number of text conversations involving your enabled tags for any tracking number in any company. The table that's created for this report includes the total number of conversations involving specific tags, as well as a breakdown of total messages, first-time conversations, and qualified conversations. 

  1. Click Analytics on the left navigation bar.

  2. Select Reports at the top of the page.

  3. Click on Create Report from the Custom header on the left.

  4. Find the Texts by Tag option and click Create Report.

  5. Name your report by clicking the pencil icon at the top of the page or select Rename Report within the Report Options drop-down. You can update the name of your report at any time.

  6. Choose the type of graph you want to see. You can either select a word cloud or a bar graph.
    Word cloud:
    Bar graph:
  7. The report initially loads with a list of all enabled tags in your account. Each column displays an aggregated total of the different types of texts involving your enabled tags. The total values in bold within the top row include all texts — those with and without tags. 

  8. Use the Edit Columns button to choose which columns you'd like to see on this table. If you'd like the hide the totals row, uncheck the Show Totals Row option under the Additional Information header in the Edit Columns menu.
  9. Use the filter panel at the top of the report to determine which companies and types of texts you'd like to see.
  10. Use the company drop-down to choose which companies should be on this report. You can select as many or as few as you'd like.

  11. Use the date range drop-down to select the timeframe you'd like to see on this report.

  12. If you choose to drill-down further, select Add Filter and pick additional filters you'd like for your report. This drop-down only shows if you're adding filters.
  13. Optional: You can see a separate chart and table featuring details about various types of texts involving your tags by selecting the desired tag within the report. Use the Edit Columns button to choose which columns you'd like to see on this table.
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