Microsoft Ads Integration is not connecting in CallRail

I got through the steps in Callrail:

login to the Microsoft account and then click “authorize”

When I click, it leaves CallRail to Microsoft, looks like it tries to login, and then right back to the CallRail page where it’s still inactive

Any suggestions? Could this be blocked by a firewall?



1 comment
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  • Official comment

    Hi Kate! 

    There could be a few things causing this to happen. 

    If you are unable to activate the Microsoft Ads integration, one potential issue could be related to the authorization process. When clicking the 'Authorize' button, it may send a code to your phone but then revert back to the authorization screen. In such cases, clearing the cache and browser history might not resolve the issue1.

    To troubleshoot further, you can follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to the integration page.
    2. Start recording your screen.
    3. Right-click the screen and select "Inspect".
    4. Select "Console".
    5. Attempt to integrate with the Microsoft Ads integration.
    6. Note any console errors that appear and send the recording or a screenshot of the console post integration attempt to support1.

    Additionally, ensure that you are using the correct email address and have the necessary permissions (e.g., being a super admin in Microsoft Advertising MCC)

    Also this is an article I would recommend checking as well :

    Thank you! 


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