PII redaction removes sensitive items from your call recordings and transcripts, including information related to your customers' billing and personal information. You can use PII redaction to redact the following information:
- Secure information: Social security number, credit card number, expiration, and CVV.
- Personal information: Date of the birth, age, religion, political affiliation.
- Medical information: Conditions, diagnoses, medications, treatments, procedures, and tests.
- All numeric values: Any number sequence of two or more.
Please note that Healthcare accounts have PII redaction enabled by default to ensure compliance with HIPAA regulations. This feature helps protect sensitive information from being disclosed and ensures that the covered entity is compliant with the relevant regulations.
Getting started
If you haven't already enabled call recording or transcripts, do that first, then return to this article.
Learn how to activate call recording.
Learn how to activate Transcripts.
Activate PII redaction
- Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
- Choose the company you'd like to access.
- Select Workflow at the top of the page.
- Choose AI features from the Manage header on the left.
- Choose the company where you'd like to activate PII redaction and select the Edit (pencil) icon.
- Make sure call transcription is active.
- In the PII redaction section, check any or all of the boxes for items you'd like redacted in your transcripts.
- Select Save at the bottom of the page to activate.
The selected information will be removed from call recordings and instead will be labeled in your transcripts based on the information being redacted (i.e. [CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER], [DATE_OF_BIRTH], etc.).
How does PII redaction work?
Our PII redaction feature is designed to look for and redact sensitive information. It currently has a 90% accuracy rate that continues to improve over time through machine learning.
Will it remove other information?
There may be some instances when PII redaction removes other numerical information surrounding a credit card number on calls where credit card information has been spotted.