Adding multiple users to Account Center

Account Center is CallRail's tool for managing all your accounts in one place. If you have team members who need access to more than one CallRail account, the User Management page in the Account Center allows you to quickly add and assign them to the right accounts.

Getting started

Creating users in Account Center

Use these instructions to add users in bulk in Account Center.

  1. Select the Account icon in the top left to open the My Account panel, then select Account Center.
  2. This will bring you to your Account Center dashboard. In the menu to the left, select Users.
  3. Select Create Users in the upper-right corner of the page.
  4. Choose the user type for the users you'd like to create.
  5. Enter their first name, last name, and email address. The email address entered will be their login email address.
  6. Select Add User each time you'd like to add an additional user. Then select Accounts.
  7. Choose the individual accounts these users should each have access to. Then select Message
  8. The user will receive an email with instructions for creating a password and logging in. You can include a personal message in the email.
  9. Select Finish.

From here, you can review your new users, view suggested next steps, or select Return to User Management to go back to your Account Center.


What if one of the accounts I'm adding a user to is white-labeled?

If you add a user to a white-labeled account, CallRail will send them an email with that account's branding and logo. CallRail's name and logo won't be exposed to users being added to a white-labeled account.

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