Slack integration

Get daily performance summaries, receive alerts when something needs your attention, and see real-time notifications in the Slack channel of your choice when your tracking numbers receive calls, texts, and form submissions. CallRail's Slack integration makes it easy to keep up with your call tracking — you can even respond to texts directly from Slack.

Getting started

The Slack integration is configured to display one daily summary per channel. If more than one company reports to the same channel, you'll receive a combined daily summary that includes data for all of the companies associated with the channel. 

Please note: If you have form tracking enabled, these daily summaries will also contain information on how your form submissions are trending.

If you'd like to get a separate daily summary for each company, follow the instructions below for each company you'd like to connect to Slack, and assign each one to a different channel. Or, as detailed in Step 12 below, you can choose to integrate all of your companies at the same time, and CallRail will automatically create a separate channel for each.

Please see our help article for more information on setting up notifications and daily summaries for the Slack integration. 

Integrating a company with Slack

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company you want to integrate with Slack.
  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page.
  4. Choose Slack from the list of integrations.
  5. Choose whether or not to receive real-time notifications in Slack for every call, text, and/or form submission that is sent to your trackers by using the checkboxes on the integration page.
    If activating text messages, choose whether you'd like to respond to texts directly from Slack. Then select Activate. (Please note that anyone with access to the Slack channel will be able to respond to texts from Slack if this option is activated.)
  6. If you are not signed in to your Slack workplace in your browser, you'll be asked to your workspace URL and sign in.
  7. If you're signed in to more than one workspace, choose the appropriate one from the dropdown menu in the top right of the screen. 
  8. Select Allow to accept permissions. Learn more about why the integration requires permissions here.
  9. The rest of the setup takes place in Slack. Open your Slack app or navigate to Slack in your browser. Select CallRail under the Apps section of the panel on the left. You'll see a welcome message.
    If you have more than one company, you'll see the option to integrate all of them with Slack at the same time. If you want to do so, go to Step 12. Otherwise, go to the next step.
  10. To integrate only one company, select Not right now.
  11. A dialogue box will pop up. Open the dropdown menu in the dialogue box, select the channel where you'd like to receive your messages from CallRail, and then select Add.
  12. Once the integration is complete, you'll see a welcome message in the channel you chose.
  13. If you select Yes on Step 10 above and add all your companies at once, you'll be prompted to choose between one channel or separate channels.
  14. If you select Send separate summaries, the app automatically creates a new channel for each company. If you select Send one summary, you can choose the channel you would like to use.
    Whenever more than one company is integrated into a channel, you will receive a combined daily performance summary each morning that includes the combined data of all the companies.  

Add, remove, move, or view a company in Slack

Slash commands are pre-set commands used in Slack. You type a slash command into the message box to prompt Slack to provide information or take action. CallRail's integration uses slash commands to add and remove companies from channels and move them from one channel to another.

When you type /callrail into the message box in a Slack channel, you'll see a dropdown menu and a list of slash commands.

You can type each slash command directly into the message box to perform an action, or you can choose an action from the dropdown menu.

Add a company to a public Slack channel

To add a company to a Slack channel, the Slack integration must already be active for that company.

  1. Select the public Slack channel where you want to start receiving daily summaries, alerts, and notifications for a company.
  2. Type /callrail add into the message box and hit enter.
  3. Choose the company you want to add to the channel from the dropdown menu and then select Add.

Add a company to a private Slack channel

  1. Select the private Slack channel where you want to start receiving daily summaries, alerts, and notifications for a company.
  2. Type @callrail into the message box and hit enter, then select Send Message on the pop-up that appears.
  3. In the options that follow inside the Slack channel, select Invite Them.
  4. After the successful invitation, type /callrail move into the message box and hit enter.
  5. Choose the company you'd like to add to the channel from the dropdown menu and then select Move.

Remove a company from a Slack channel 

  1. Select the Slack channel from which you want to remove the company.
  2. Type /callrail remove into the message box and hit enter.
  3. Choose the company you'd like to remove to the channel from the dropdown menu and then select Remove. You'll no longer receive daily summaries, anomaly alerts, or notifications for this company.

Move a company from a Slack channel

  1. Select the Slack channel where you currently receive notifications for the company you want to move. 
  2. Type /callrail move into the message box and hit enter.
  3. Select the company you'd like to move from the first dropdown menu and the channel where you'd like to move the company from the second. Select Move.

View all companies in a Slack channel

Once multiple companies are added to a Slack channel, you can use a slash command to view a list of companies at any time.

  1. Go to the Slack channel you want to learn about.
  2. Type /callrail list into the message box and hit enter. The list of companies will appear.

What CallRail data will be displayed in Slack

CallRail will send specific data to your Slack account, which you will then be able to view from Slack. The following items are sent by default while the integration is active:

Total Calls: A summary of account performance that also includes the tracking numbers that have received the most and least calls, as well as the numbers that have seen the largest increases and decreases in call volume within the past seven days.

You can change the frequency of this summary's delivery between daily and weekly by accessing your CallRail app within Slack, locating the Schedule section on the Home tab, and selecting Edit within that section.

  • Abandoned Calls: A notification if 30% of your calls over the past seven days have been abandoned (disconnected within a few seconds of being initiated).
  • Number No Longer Receiving Calls: A notification if a phone number hasn't received calls in three days after receiving at least one call every three days prior.
  • Number Set Up But Has Not Received Calls: A notification if a new set up tracking number hasn't received any calls within its first three days.
  • Integration Failure: A notification if any of your integrations within CallRail have been in a Failed state for over 24 hours.

The notifications listed below will be sent only after they are manually enabled by the user:

  • Call Alert: This is a notification for incoming calls that displays the tracking number and its assigned name, whether the call was answered, the name of the company within CallRail this call came into, and a link to the call within CallRail.
  • SMS Alert: This is a notification for incoming text messages that displays the contents of the text message, the name of the tracking number that was texted, the phone number of the person who sent the message, the name of the company within CallRail this text came into, and a link to respond to the message.
  • Form Alert: This is a notification for incoming form submissions that displays the submission's contents, the name of the company with CallRail this submission came into, and a link to view it within CallRail.

Deactivating the Slack integration

Deactivating a company's integration with Slack will stop notifications about that company appearing in your Slack channel. We'll keep your Slack credentials saved in case you'd like to reactivate your integration in the future.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company where you'd like to deactivate the integration.
  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page.
  4. Choose Slack from the list of integrations.
  5. Select Deactivate Integration on the right side of the page.


Can members of my team who do not have CallRail receive notifications and respond to texts?

Anyone with access to the Slack channel where the notifications are sent can view them. If text responding is enabled, anyone with access to the channel can also respond to texts directly from Slack. Links that take you to the CallRail app or related actions such as "View Details" or "Listen" to phone calls can only be performed by CallRail users.

How do I know which companies are sending notifications to a given channel?

Type /callrail list for a list of all companies in a given channel.

What slash commands are available with CallRail's integration?

Type /callrail to access this list.

The person who set up my Slack integration is no longer with the company. How do I reactivate the integration?

If your Slack integration suddenly stops working, the person who set it up may have left the company. If this is the case, we will provide a notice in Slack, on the company's Slack integration page, and via email to reactivate.

While anyone with access to the Slack channel may see the error message, only users with CallRail accounts can reactivate the integration.

What if the information I receive in Slack is incorrect or if I don't receive a notification when I should?

Double-check that you have integrated with the correct company. Access the Integrations page for the company in question and scroll down to the Slack integration. If it says "Activate," you have not activated the integration for that company.

If the company is correct and the information is still incorrect, or you aren't receiving notifications when you should be, contact Support.

I still have questions about this integration. Who should I speak with?

If you are a CallRail customer and have further questions, please submit a ticket via our support site. If you are not a CallRail customer, please reach out to for assistance.

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