Microsoft Ads integration

CallRail makes it possible to track calls and form submissions as conversions in Microsoft Ads. Once your integration is active, we will report your Bing Paid calls and form fills to Microsoft Advertising as conversions.

Getting started

CallRail’s integration with Microsoft Ads requires:

  • The JavaScript snippet installed on your website or landing page you're tracking.

  • Visitor tracking (this is only required if you would like your calls to report as conversions).

  • Auto-tagging enabled within your Microsoft Advertising account. 

Enable pre-existing conversion goals named "Phone Call", "Form Capture", and/or "Chat Capture." We will not be able to post to or create separate goals if they are not in the "Enabled" status. For more information, see Microsoft's help article.

Enable Microsoft Click ID auto-tagging for visitor tracking

Auto-tagging adds a unique click ID to your landing page URLs. When a customer navigates to your page via one of your paid ads, you can accurately track their source and other UTM parameters. Follow the steps below to enable auto-tagging at the account level.

Microsoft Advertising instructions for auto-tagging.

  1. Select All campaigns, select Settings, and then select Account level options.

  2. Next to Auto-tagging, select Add UTM tags to my landing page URLs.

  3. You have two options to choose from:

    1. Replace all existing tags. This will remove any UTM tags you have and add the ones used for auto-tagging.

    2. Keep existing tags and have Microsoft Advertising add missing tags. This option will add auto-tagging tags to your existing ones.

  4. Select Save to apply your changes to your account.

Integrating with Microsoft Ads

Please note: We recommend signing in to the email account associated with your Microsoft Advertising account before setting up the CallRail integration. This ensures you link the correct account.

Follow the instructions below for each company you’d like to integrate with Microsoft Advertising.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the company you’d like to integrate with Microsoft Advertising.

  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page.

  4. Choose Microsoft Advertising from the list of Integrations.

  5. Sign in to the Microsoft Advertising account you'd like to use and select Authorize. This will redirect you to Microsoft, where you will be asked to authorize CallRail to send data to your Microsoft Advertising account. Choose Yes to approve CallRail’s access.

  6. Authorizing the Microsoft Advertising integration will move your integration into a "pending" state. Select the company in your CallRail customer account you would like to use for this integration to take the integration out of pending.

  7. Select Activate. This creates your conversions in Microsoft Advertising. CallRail will report your new calls, incoming calls, and/or forms as conversions.

You should now see "Phone Call" and "Form Capture" conversions in Microsoft Advertising. For more information, please read:

Viewing Call Conversions in Microsoft Advertising.

Viewing Form Conversions in Microsoft Advertising.

Deactivating the Microsoft Ads integration

Deactivating a company's integration will prevent conversions from reporting to Microsoft Advertising. We will save your credentials in case you reactivate your integration in the future.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the company where you'd like to deactivate the integration.

  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page.

  4. Choose Microsoft Advertising from the list of Integrations.

  5. Select Deactivate Integration on the right side of the page.


Why am I not immediately seeing my form submission conversions? There can be up to a five-hour delay beforenyour conversions appear on your Microsoft Ads account dashboard.

What if I manage more than one Microsoft Advertising account? Please use this help article to determine how to organize your Microsoft Advertising accounts.

Do repeat callers get reported as conversions? If the click id (msclkid) is different from the caller's first session, they will be reported.

Why am I getting a failed integration error when trying to activate? 

Your Microsoft Advertising account may be tied to a multi-tenant organization. Our integration supports this set up but requires some additional steps. You can use this help article to understand if this is you and what to do for successful activation. 

Do you support click-to-call ads in Microsoft Ads?

At this time, our Microsoft Ads integration does not support click-to-call ads.

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