Using CallRail with Google Ads Location Extensions

In this article, we'll cover the benefits of using tracking numbers with your location extensions.

Use this support article to learn how to create and use a tracking number as a location extension

What is a location extension?

Location extensions are a type of ad extension that displays on your Google ads. They may include your address, a map to your business, and the distance between the user’s location and your business. You can also include a phone number or a button for people to tap or click that automatically dials your phone number.

When someone clicks on your location extension, they’ll go to your Google My Business location page, which includes all of the relevant info about your business.

Keep in mind that Ad extensions are optional components you can include in your Google Ads to communicate additional information and that there are two main types of Google Ads:

  • Search ads appear above or below the organic search results when someone enters a query with a search term you’ve won at auction.
  • Display ads are text, image, or video ads that are displayed on various websites, YouTube videos, and above peoples’ inboxes in Gmail. These show up based on the type of audience you’re targeting.

Where will location extensions show up?

Location extensions appear in text ads on the Google Search Network, above or below the organic search results when a user enters a query with a search term you’ve won at auction.

They can also be displayed on Google search sites, like Google Maps. The extension might appear beside, above, or below results on Google Maps.

The Google Display Network includes sites and apps that display Google ads; your location extensions may show in these places when people are physically close to your location or have shown interest in your area.

YouTube Video Ads are another possible display location: they might pop up on TrueView in-stream and bumper ads when people are near you or have shown interest in your area.

When should you use location extensions?

As Google puts it, location extensions “make it easier for your customers to call, visit, or identify where your business is located.”

If you’re running ads on Google and you have a brick-and-mortar location that serves customers, a location extension is a good idea. Retail stores, restaurants, auto repair shops, and gyms are just a few examples of the type of businesses that would benefit from a location extension.

Location extensions are also useful for larger chain companies with multiple locations. These businesses may run ads for each location, each of which may target different users or search terms. Allowing the user to find the address, phone number, and other details about the location closest to them optimizes their experience.

Note: If you’re a large retailer setting up a location extension for a chain store, or an affiliate manufacturer who sells products at a chain store, your process for setting up your local extension is slightly different.

Why should I use CallRail tracking numbers in my location extensions?

CallRail offers extensive information about every lead, allowing for highly accurate, deeply detailed call attribution.

Without CallRail, calls to your location extensions are indistinguishable from all other calls to your main business line, making it impossible to know what sources, campaigns, and ads direct people to your business.

In order to use a CallRail tracking number as the phone number in your location extensions, you’ll first need to set up your Google My Business (GMB) listing, which serves as your location page. Google populates your location extensions with information from your GMB listing.

How calls to your location extensions will appear in CallRail

Depending on how viewers interact with the tracking number you've placed in your ad, there are multiple reporting situations that could happen:

  • If the lead calls the tracking number directly from the location extension, this call will be attributed to Google Ads. No conversion will be reported because this number is not implemented using visitor tracking, so the GCLID cannot be captured.
  • If the lead clicks a button in your ad that redirects them to your site (and has not previously seen a different swapped number), we will also attribute this to Google Ads as long as our tracking snippet is installed to facilitate the phone number swap. We can capture these calls as conversions in Google Ads if the numbers on the site belong to a website pool. 
  • If the lead clicks the Headline, Business Name, or View in Maps buttons from the ad extension before calling or clicking through to your site, Google will treat this as traffic stemming from your GMB listing and we will report it as such. (This requires an active GMB integration.) These calls will not report as conversions in Google Ads since GCLIDs are not issued for calls from GMB listings.
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