Unanswered calls report

Get details on the number of missed calls on each day of the week, as well as within each hour in a day. You can use this report to understand your peak call times and to ensure calls are being answered accordingly.

Getting started

CallRail defines a missed call as any inbound call that is unanswered, results in an automatically detected voicemail, or is detected as abandoned. Calls received by a Voicemail step in the Call Flow Builder are also considered to be missed. 

A call answered by a phone system outside of CallRail is considered an answered call. Any call answered by a person or an automated system in which the customer didn't leave a voicemail also is considered an answered call.

This report is available at the company-level within your account.

Unanswered Calls .png

Need to print, export, or save a report? You can follow the instructions in this article to do so.

Unanswered calls report 

Use these instructions to access your unanswered calls report for a specific company.

  1. Click on the Analytics icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Click Reports at the top of the page.

  3. Choose Unanswered Calls from the Behavior header on the left.

  4. Use the filter bar to select whether you'd like to view missed calls by day of week or by hour of day. Your table will adjust accordingly. You can hover over your bar graphs to see a breakdown of answered calls vs. missed calls. You can also view a chart that shows the percentage of missed calls. You can click on the numbers within the table to go to a separate page featuring details about missed calls for that time period. If desired, you can add filters by clicking Add Filter in the filter bar. 

  5. The columns within the table illustrate how many calls were missed each hour of the day during the date range selected at the top of the page.
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