CallRail’s Clio Grow integration allows lawyers and law firms that use this software to improve their marketing activities and client experience, converting leads faster and managing clients more efficiently. Starting from the very first phone call to their practice, they now have easy access to all communications with prospective clients, along with how those leads discovered their firm, down to the source and keyword level, as well as the connection to actual cases that drive billables for the practice.
Getting Started
- Clio Grow is a separate product from Clio Manage. While Clio Manage is meant for existing client management, Clio Grow is used as a lead intake/customer relationship management (CRM) tool. CallRail has a separate integration for Clio Manage, instructions for which can be found here.
- If your law firm uses Clio Grow and Clio Manage, we recommend first connecting only to Clio Grow. Clio Grow has a native integration to move leads into Clio Manage. Enabling both products with CallRail risks creating duplicate leads.
- If both integrations are enabled in CallRail, we will check Clio Manage to see if a client exists before creating one in Grow.
Integrating with Clio Grow
- Select Settings.
- If you have more than one company in your CallRail account, you must select one to continue.
- Select Integrations.
- Select Clio Grow.
- From the integration page, users can select which events to send to Clio Grow. These can include calls, texts, and/or forms.
- Select Activate.
- You will be prompted to sign in to Clio Grow. Once signed in, choose to Allow CallRail the permission to send data to Clio Grow.
Your interaction will now show as being Active.
What CallRail sends to ClioGrow
Once the Clio Grow integration is active and the user has chosen which interactions will send, calls, texts, and/or forms will automatically populate in Clio Grow’s Inbox Leads. From here, you can select whether to add the lead into Clio Grow, or ignore it.
Call Rail will search for existing contacts and inbox leads in Clio Grow before sending a lead over. If one already exists, we’ll update the Contact Notes section of both Clio Grow and CallRail.
Customers using CallRail’s Premium Intelligence will also have tags and summaries of those calls in their Clio Grow Inbox.
- Match leads or forms to the client record
- Create a new lead (and make sure it’s not a dupe)
- Name
- Phone Number
- Customer city
- Customer state
- Customer country
- Create a new record type (call, text, form)
- Source
- Medium
- Campaign
- Call summary (if the firm has PCI)
- Answered(?)
- Recording URL
- Timeline URL
- Tags
- Call summary populated
- Form data & URL (if applicable)
- Text content
- Lead Status (text)
- Referring URL
Deactivating your Ciio Grow Integration
From your CallRail homepage:
- Select Settings.
- If you have more than one company in your CallRail account, you must select one to continue.
- Select Integrations.
- Select Clio Grow.
- Select Deactivate.