If your account has an outstanding balance, a series of emails will be sent from billing@callrail.com to remedy this before your account is ultimately closed due to non-payment.
If you do not immediately see these, please check filtered sections of your email inbox (spam, promotions, etc.) to make sure you don’t miss important account information.
Emails and Resulting Action Taken
You will receive emails asking you to address the situation on the 1st and 5th days after your missed payment date. As necessary, another email will be sent on the 10th day.
On the 15th day after an invoice is unpaid, another email will be sent, and your account access will be suspended. You will need to pay your due balance before being able to log in again. Your call tracking numbers will not be released, and your data will remain intact.
On the 25th day after an invoice is unpaid, an email will alert you that your account has been closed, and your call-tracking numbers will be released.