You can port your tracking numbers from CallRail to another provider, but we’d be sorry to see you go!
If you wish to port your tracking number to another provider, the receiving provider will initiate the port. Due to regulations outside our control, the process typically takes 4-6 weeks. During this time, please do not deactivate your number(s) or close your CallRail account until you have confirmed that the port has been completed successfully.
How do I port a number away from CallRail?
Use these instructions to submit a request to port numbers away.
- The administrator on your account can submit a ticket to our Support team, authorizing the port away. Include the tracking numbers you want to port away from CallRail.
Please Note: managers on the account can also submit a request to port numbers away. If you submit a porting request as a manager, our Support team will contact the account administrator or copy them on any emails or communication to obtain their approval. - Our Porting team will provide the Customer Service Record (CSR) with the details of the port away.
- Contact your new provider to initiate the porting process and provide them with the CSR.
- Once your new provider submits the request to obtain the numbers, our carrier will receive the request and approve it.
- When your new provider receives the approval, they will notify you of the scheduled porting date for the numbers.
What to do after the number is ported away
- Place a test call to your number from an unrelated number or another number that's not connected to your ported phone number to confirm it's routing properly in your new system.
- Deactivate the number in CallRail.
Which numbers can be ported?
You own the numbers you create in CallRail, and we won't block or reject any port-out requests that have been approved by an administrator on your account. Porting a U.S. or Canadian tracking number away from CallRail is free.
For tracking phone numbers outside the United States and Canada, CallRail will approve any request to port numbers away with your consent; however, there may be carrier fees associated with porting out an international number. Also, while CallRail and our immediate upstream carriers don't block port-away requests, portability in some international regions prevents numbers from being ported. If you're porting an international number away from CallRail, our Porting team will work closely with you to ensure you have all the information you need to port a number away from CallRail.
How do I cancel my porting request?
You can reply to your existing Support ticket and request the port be canceled, or you can submit a new ticket.
How do I obtain my Customer Service Record (CSR) or PIN for my phone numbers?
Our Porting team can provide you with CSRs or PINs when necessary. Simply contact to our Support team, and we’d be happy to help.
Can I port numbers out while I am in trial?
If you are on a CallRail trial, you won't be able to port numbers out of CallRail until a credit card has been updated or added to your account. Once you've added a credit card, our Porting team can assist you in the port-out process.
What if my new provider asks for a BTN?
When you start a port-in request with a new provider, they may request a BTN (Billing telephone number). CallRail does not have BTNs saved for any account. You can use the number you are porting away from CallRail as the BTN. If you are porting out multiple numbers, you can use any of them as the BTN.