Sending call values to Google Ads

This article will explain how to send call values to Google Ads using your CallRail integration. Adding call value dimensions to your Google Ads conversion reporting will allow you to optimize your Google PPC bidding strategies.

Getting started

This feature is an optional toggle within your CallRail Google Ads integration. To send call values, your Google Ads integration must be active. Only call values for your visitor tracking and calls will report to Google Ads. 

When you activate this feature, you will set a custom delay time for sending call values. Google Ads reporting does not occur in real-time. Once call values are sent from CallRail, it can take up to 24 hours for them to display in Google Ads.

Read this help article to learn how to integrate CallRail with Google Ads.

Values can be added to calls manually or automatically using Automation Rules.

Read this help article for more information on assigning values to calls.

Sending call values to Google Ads

CallRail’s integration with Google Ads is company-dependent in your account. Follow the instructions below for each company you’d like to send call values to Google Ads.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company whose call values you’d like to send to Google Ads.
  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page.
  4. Choose Google Ads from the list of integrations.
  5. Locate the "Sending Values" section of the page, and click the checkbox to "Send a call's value to Google Ads". 
  6. Select a delay time or create a custom delay time. You can choose anything from a minimum of 4 hours to a maximum of 30 days. Choose an amount that will give you enough time to add a value to a call before it sends to Google Ads. 

Deactivate sending call values to Google Ads 

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company whose call values you'd like to stop sending to Google Ads.
  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page.
  4. Choose Google Ads from the list of integrations.
  5. Uncheck the box to send a call's values to Google Ads.
  6. Select Save.


How do I know what delay time to select?

Select a delay that will give you enough time to add values to calls before the call values are sent to Google Ads. We will wait this amount of time before sending the call and it's value to Google Ads. This way, you do not miss the opportunity to add a value to a call if you’d like.

For example, if your team assigns call values at the end of every day you’ll need at least 24 hours of delay time.

Can I change the delay time?

Yes, you can change your delay time whenever you like. However, the change will not affect calls that have already occurred. For example, if your original delay time was 1 week and you change it to 2 weeks, any calls made before the change was saved will still send to Google Ads in 1 week.

Will call values I've assigned to source-tracking calls show in Google Ads?

The Google Ads integration requires visitor tracking. Values assigned to source or campaign-level calls will not report.

Can I change a call value later?

You can always change the call value in your CallRail caller timeline. However, if the call value has already pushed to Google Ads, it can't be changed in Google Ads since we can only send call values once. If your call values tend to fluctuate, we recommend choosing a longer delay time to get the most accurate data. 

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