Google Ads Performance Max campaigns

Performance Max is a goal-based campaign that allows you to access your entire Google Ads inventory from a single campaign. This type of campaign works alongside Search campaigns to help you generate more leads across all of Google's channels.

How does Performance Max work?

Performance Max campaigns help drive conversions based on your goals by optimizing performance in real-time and across multiple channels using Smart Bidding.

When should I use Performance Max?

Here are a few scenarios when a Performance Max campaign would be a good option:

  • You have specific advertising and conversion goals, such as driving online sales or lead generation.
  • You want to maximize the performance of your campaign, without being limited to a single channel. 
  • You want to access all of Google’s advertising channels using a single campaign.

How do Performance Max campaigns work with CallRail?

Calls driven from a Performance Max campaign are tracked just like any other call driven by Google Ads. Since Google's automation determines the ad type and assets (formerly known as extensions) used, you'll need to make sure you have the necessary assets configured to track all potential calls from your Performance Max campaigns.

This means ensuring that your call assets are using CallRail tracking numbers and your location assets are using a tracking number (sourced from your Google Business Profile location extension number).

Please note: Google may choose to serve ad types that are not Search/keyword based. In those instances, the "keyword" field in CallRail will be blank.

 Troubleshooting Performance Max campaigns

There are few factors that could cause a lack of session-level data from Performance Max campaigns:

  • The campaign is limited by budget.
  • The campaign has low search volume status.
  • All creatives or landing pages for the ad group are disapproved.
  • All campaign or ad group targeting isn’t met.

You should also confirm that you Google Ads integration in CallRail has Send call values enabled. This will send the monetary value of each call, which will power your Performance Max campaign. You can learn more about our Google Ads integration here.


Why isn't the campaign name populating in my call log?

 In order to receive the campaign name, the Google Ads integration must be enabled. Additionally, campaign names appear in CallRail the day after the call occurs since we retrieve these on a nightly basis.

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