Marketo integration

You can integrate with your Marketo account to view calls as form submissions in the lead timeline. Once your integration is authorized, you can send phone and text message activity from your tracking numbers into the lead timeline within Marketo.

Getting started

CallRail's integration with Marketo requires visitor tracking and installation of your company's JavaScript snippet on your website.

You'll also need Marketo's Munchkin tracking code installed on your website. For more information on this Marketo feature, please see their help article

How CallRail reports data to Marketo

Once a call to one of your tracking numbers ends, we'll send the phone call to Marketo as a form submission. We'll either link this to an existing Marketo contact or create a new contact using the following process:

  1. First, we search for a tracking cookie generated by Marketo's Munchkin code snippet that identifies a caller's previous web sessions. If found, we'll link the cookied user with the call to surface the contact in Marketo.
  2. If there's no tracking cookie, we'll search your Marketo contacts for a match. If a match is found, we'll add the activity to the existing contact in Marketo.
  3. If we can't find any matches for a caller, CallRail will create a new contact with the call activity.

Integrating with Marketo

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company you’d like to integrate with Marketo.
  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page.
  4. Choose Marketo from the list of integrations.
  5. To enable the Marketo integration, follow steps 1 through 7 on the Marketo developer site. When you reach step 3, make sure to check the boxes for “Read-Write Activity” and “Read-Write Person.” This process gives us the information we need to access the REST API.
    Then, provide the Client ID, Client Secret, and Munchkin Account ID within the correlating fields in CallRail. Make sure these fields exactly match what is in Marketo, as they are case- and character-sensitive.
  6. Once you've added your Client ID, Client Secret, and Munchkin Account ID, follow the next set of instructions to complete your integration setup.

Create Custom Activities and Fields

Use this set of instructions to create Custom Activities and Fields in Marketo. Once your integration is active, this is where your calls and text messages will report. 
Please note that SMS messages must be set up as outlined below for this integration to work properly, even if you only intend to send phone call activity to Marketo.

  1. In your Marketo account, select Admin.
  2. In Database Management, select Custom Activities.
  3. Select New Custom Activity.
  4. Enter Phone Call Event as the display name and Event for inbound phone call as the description. Then, select Next.
  5. Define your Filter and Trigger as Phone Call. Then, select Next.
  6. Define your custom activity's primary fields as Tracker Name. Then, select Submit.
  7. Repeat Steps 3-6 above for SMS messages, where:
    • Your SMS activity name is SMS Message Event, and the description is Event for an inbound text message.
    • The API name is SMSMessageEvent_c.
    • The Filter and Trigger should be SMS Message.
    • The primary field name is Message Content.
  8.  In Marketo Custom Activities, select Fields.
  9. Select Phone Call Event from the list of Marketo Custom Activities.
  10. Select New Field.
  11. Choose the field’s data type as String. Name the field. The API Name auto-populates. You will need to name the first field Tracking Phone Number. When you’re done, select Save.
  12. Repeat Steps 8-10 for the following fields:
    • Customer Name
    • Customer Phone Number
    • Call Duration
    • Call Result
  13. Repeat Steps 1-6 for SMS messages. You'll use the following fields for SMS messages:
    • Number Name
    • Tracking Phone Number
    • Customer Name
    • Customer Phone Number
  14. Once you have saved your custom activity, select Custom Activity Actions, then Publish Activity.
  15. Once you've added your custom activities and fields to Marketo, select Save at the bottom of the page. This will move the integration to Pending. While your integration is pending, the Marketo option on the All Integrations page will display a yellow alert.
  16. Once your activities have been added in Marketo and you've set your integration to "Pending," submit a ticket to our support team and let us know you've added your activities. This will allow CallRail Support to complete the integration activation on our end and update the integration's status to Active.

Your CallRail data in Marketo

All activities a lead has performed will be available in Main Lead Activity. The top 2 activities on this list are the custom SMS and Phone Call events CallRail created.

SMS Event Details include specific details about an SMS received by one of your CallRail tracking numbers.

Phone Call Event Details include specific details about a phone call received by one of your CallRail tracking numbers.

Deactivating the Marketo integration

Deactivating a company's Marketo integration will prevent CallRail from sending campaign data to your Marketo account. We'll keep your Marketo credentials saved if you'd like to reactivate your integration.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company where you'd like to deactivate the integration.
  3. Select Integrations at the top of the page
  4. Choose Marketo from the list of integrations.
  5. Select Deactivate Integration on the right side of the page.


IDs aren't populating

Marketo Custom Activities are initially in a Draft state. You'll need to Publish the Activities for our API to see them, pull in the IDs, and activate the integration. Check the Activity state if you've set up the Activities correctly but still can't activate the integration. If the Activity is in a Draft state, it will look like this:


You can resolve this by following the instructions in this Marketo support article. Afterward, you can update the integration to complete activation.


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