Pipedrive integration

You can build an integration between CallRail and your Pipedrive account to create and categorize leads and opportunities in Pipedrive. While CallRail does not have a native integration with Pipedrive, you can build an integration through Zapier that pushes your calls to Pipedrive.

To build this integration, you'll need an active Zapier account. Zapier is a subscription-based service that allows you to integrate software without writing any code. Using Zapier with CallRail allows you to push your call data to third-party software like Pipedrive.

If this is your first time using Zapier to connect CallRail and third-party software, please use our Zapier help article to allow Zapier access to your CallRail and Pipedrive accounts. After access is allowed, use the following steps to integrate with Pipedrive. 

Setting up CallRail as the triggering action within Zapier

  1. After logging into Zapier, hover your cursor over the left-hand sidebar to open it and select Make a Zap at the top of the sidebar. 
  2. On the screen that appears, name your Zap at at the top of the screen.
  3. Select CallRail from the list of apps and choose a trigger event. Then select Continue
  4. Choose the CallRail account you'd like to use to gather your data. This is likely the same account you authorized if using this linked article. Then, select Continue.
  5. Select the company in your CallRail account whose data you'd like to send to Zapier. You can select multiple companies on this step if you have more than one company in your CallRail account. Select Continue when finished.
  6. Test your CallRail trigger by selecting Test & Continue, then Continue when your test is successful.

Setting up Pipedrive to receive your CallRail data

Note: These instructions illustrate sending your CallRail calls to Pipedrive as leads, but you can choose from numerous options in Zapier’s interface to customize which data is sent. Use these instructions as a guideline for building your own integration between CallRail and Pipedrive based on your needs.

  1. On the screen that appears, select CallRail from the list of apps and choose an action event, then select Continue.
  2. Choose the Pipedrive account you'd like to send your CallRail data to and select Continue.
  3. Adjust the fields for how Pipedrive will receive and display your CallRail data. Select Continue afterwards.
  4. Test your Pipedrive setup within Zapier by selecting Test & Continue.
  5. After the test is successful, select the toggle at the bottom of the screen to turn your Zap on. It will now be accessible from your Zapier home page.
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