Google Ads Lead Form Extensions integration

Google Ads Lead Forms Extensions lets you capture lead data directly from the contact forms placed in your ads. This helps maximize the number of leads that are generated from search ads and collect customer information, such as means of contact.

Getting started

CallRail’s integration lets you see your form submissions from these extensions within CallRail, where they can be tracked as they would from any other form source. This works by inserting a company-specific webhook and API key generated within CallRail into the your lead extension setup.

For more information on how to set up Lead Form Extensions within Google Ads, see Google's documentation.

Integrating with Google Ads Lead Form Extensions

  1. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the company you’d like to integrate with Google Ads Lead Form Extensions.

  3. Click Integrations at the top of the page.

  4. Choose Google Ads Lead Form Extensions from the list of integrations.

  5. Locate the webhook URL on the integration page, and click Create New API Key to generate an API key. These are what you will insert into Google Ads.

    Note: API Keys are only visible for 15 minutes within CallRail. If you have lost your full key, you must create a new one.


  6. Within Google Ads, click Ads & extensions in the left navigation bar.

  7. Choose Lead form extension from the next menu.

  8. Locate the Lead delivery option section and click to expand it.

  9. Copy and past the Webhook URL and API key from the CallRail integration page into the fields within this section.

Testing the Google Ads Lead Form Extensions integration

  1. Within Google Ads, click Ads & extensions in the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose Lead form extension from the next menu.

  3. Locate the Lead delivery option section and click to expand it.

  4. Within that section, click Send Test Data.


When the integration is properly set up, the above steps will lead to a form submission in CallRail with all details filled in as dummy_value, which will appear on the form submission log and timeline as an Anonymous form with "dummy_value" entered as the form contents.

Deactivating the Google Ads Lead Form Extensions integration

Deactivating a company’s integration with Google Ads Form Leads Extensions will prevent further form data from being sent to CallRail. Your previously captured form data will remain in your reporting.

  1. Within Google Ads, click Ads & extensions in the left navigation bar.

  2. Select Lead form extension from the next menu.

  3. Locate the Lead delivery option section and click to expand it.

  4. Delete the Webhook URL and API key that were previously inserted from the CallRail integration page.
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