Field logic for custom forms

You can create rules for your custom form that show or hide specific fields based on a person's response to a previous field. This allows your customers to automatically skip to another question in your form depending on their answer to a previous question. 

For example, a dental practice could add field logic to a specific question on a form that asks, “Are you an existing patient?” If the customer says "yes," then we’d direct them to a different question on your form instead of if they indicated they weren’t a new patient.

Getting started

Before getting started, make sure your form has all the necessary fields before setting rules for those fields. Here's how: Build a custom form.

Adding field logic to your custom form

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company where you'd like to create or edit a custom form.
  3. Choose Custom Forms from the  Forms & Chats header on the left.
  4. Select Create Form to build and style a new form, or select the Edit (pencil) icon if you'd like to make changes to an existing form.
  5. Create or update the fields on your form that you'll need before setting up your field logic. When you reach the editing step, select the Field Logic tab.
  6. In the first “If” field, choose the field you’d like to target, and set the field choice.
  7. Choose the next field that should be shown or hidden depending on their answer.
  8. Add styling to your form by selecting the Edit Styles before you save it. 
  9. Select Create Form to save your styling options on a new form, or select Save Form if you're changing an existing form.
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