Excluding fields from form submissions

CallRail's Form Tracking product will automatically exclude sensitive information, and we don't capture or store passwords or credit card information in your form submissions or our database.

Getting started

By default, a form submission that contains any of the following input types will be automatically blocked:

  • cc 
  • cvc 
  • cardnumber 
  • cardnum 
  • card-number 
  • creditcard 
  • credit_card
  • credit-card
  • ccnumber 
  • cc_num
  • ccnum.
  • We'll also block input when the field label is "credit card" or "card number."
  • The capture of password fields will be blocked when the input is "password."

How to exclude a field

If there are other specific fields on your form that you'd like us to exclude from your reports, notifications, and activity log, follow these instructions:

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company where you'd like to edit a form.
  3. Choose External Forms from the Forms & Chats header.
  4. Select Ignored Fields.
  5. Select + Add Field and enter the names of the form fields you'd like to exclude. This will prevent these fields from showing in your CallRail reports and in any external alert you receive. 
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