Troubleshoot your Salesforce integration

Our integration with Salesforce lets you send your call data to that platform to be organized alongside your other leads. There are many configurable options within Salesforce, so if you sense your integration isn’t functioning properly, please take note of the items listed below.

Connected App settings

Within Salesforce, there are certain Connected App settings that will not allow the integration to work properly and may cause either an inability to authorize the integration or frequent integration failures. More information on these settings can be found in Salesforce’s documentation on the subject.

“Relax IP restrictions” and “Refresh token is valid until revoked” are strongly recommended settings to ensure the stability of our integration.

Sending CallRail data to Salesforce

If you’re not seeing all of your call data passed over to the Salesforce Lead record from CallRail (i.e. Keywords and/or Campaigns are missing on the Lead record), the most common cause for this is the following setting within Salesforce:

“Send call data when a call begins, and again when it is completed”

This lack of data can be remedied by utilizing one of the options below:

  1. Ensure this setting is not selected.

    This option will ensure the most complete lead data is sent to Salesforce.

  2. Keep this setting active and map the data to the Activity, which can be anything besides the caller ID and call start time.

    It is crucial to map the data to the corresponding Activity if you choose this option. Our integration does not update leads it creates, which is done so data you’ve entered doesn’t get overwritten. This means the basic data (caller ID, call start time) accompanying this lead will not get updated, but the Activity records will get updated.

Please note that custom call activity names cannot be configured for leads CallRail sends over, and we cannot send data to custom objects. We only send to Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and Activity objects. Further, be aware that our integration does not support record type fields for leads or activities within Salesforce.

If you have removed the Company field from a lead’s field mapping in Salesforce and are continuing to see data for that lead sent from CallRail, this is because Company is a required field for leads in Salesforce. If it is absent, we will resort to fallback mapping which sends the caller’s name to the Company field instead.

Salesforce users

Each Salesforce user can authorize a maximum of four connections to Salesforce. If a single user were attempting to authorize more than four Salesforce integrations with CallRail (i.e. multiple companies under the same account), they would need to create separate Salesforce users for these purposes.

Each integration counts as one connection, plus any other integrations to other platforms, CallRail or otherwise, that they have authorized to their Salesforce account.

Custom field validations and workflows

A common reason for integration failure is that users have custom field validations and/or workflows set up on the Salesforce side that aren't satisfied by their field mapping in CallRail.

We recommend that prior to setting up your integration, you review all of your custom workflows and validations on the Lead and Activity fields, and then make sure to complete their field mapping accordingly. Your field mapping should ensure that any leads created by Callrail will pass whatever rules you’ve configured in Salesforce.

Important terminology and definitions

Default fields and field mapping

Default Fields are field values that are consistent across all leads. Common examples are Source, Status, and Owner. If an integration were configured with these three default fields, all l
leads created via the CallRail integration would be assigned the same Source, Status, and Owner.

Field Mapping is used to map field values that will vary from lead to lead based on the caller's details. Common examples are Customer Name and Customer Phone Number.

Custom and standard fields

Standard fields are fields that come with every Salesforce Account. Custom fields are fields created by a user that is specific to their company or industry.

CallRail can push data to both standard and custom fields. When you activate the integration, CallRail pulls in both from your Lead & Activity objects. You'll find those objects listed in the Salesforce Lead Field and Salesforce Call Activity dropdowns on the integration page in CallRail. These can be configured when you set up the integration.

To map to a given field, select it from the dropdown and then choose the CallRail Call Field you'd like to use to populate that field in SalesForce. This can be done for both Leads and Activities.

When the integration is activated, CallRail populates a set of default field mappings, but you can add to, remove, or change these default settings as you see fit. You can return to the default settings at any time by clicking the 'Reset to Default' button on the integration page in CallRail.


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