Fields CallRail sends to Salesforce

Need to know what fields CallRail can send to Salesforce? You're in the right place. 

The integration supports mapping data to custom and standard fields of the following types: string, picklist, multipicklist, phone, email, url, currency, int, datetime, double date, percent, and textarea.

Below is a list of specific call fields CallRail can send to Salesforce:

Call Field Description
abbr_customer_country The customer's country, in abbreviated format.
abbr_customer_state The customer's state, in abbreviated format.
answered Boolean; whether the call was answered (true) or not answered (false).
business_phone_number The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number.
call_highlights A list of relevant keywords automatically found in the call transcription.
call_type The type of the call.
call_summary Brief description of transcribed calls.
call_url A link to the call in CallRail.
company_id The string id of the company the call belongs to.
company_name The name of the company the source belongs to.
company_site_name The name of the calltracking platform (ie CallRail or white label site name)
company_time_zone The configured time zone of the company in CallRail.
conversational_transcript A transcribed copy of the phone call conversation. Requires enabling Conversation Intelligence and call recording.
created_at The date and time the call was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
customer_city The customer’s city, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
customer_country The customer’s country, based on the area code of their phone number.
customer_name The customer’s name, as reported by caller ID.
customer_phone_number The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format). 
customer_state The 2-character abbreviation for the customer’s state, based on the original assigned location of their phone number.
description_block Description of the call that includes source and duration information, and a link to the call.
device_type Either mobile or desktop, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
direction Whether the call was inbound (from a customer to you) or outbound (from you to a customer).
duration The duration of the call in seconds.
first_call Whether or not the call is the caller’s first call to this company.
formatted_business_phone_number The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number, formatted for display.
formatted_call_type The type of the call, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_location The customer’s city and state formatted for display.
formatted_customer_name The customer’s name with certain values stylized for display.
formatted_customer_name_or_phone_number The name or phone number of the customer as reported by caller ID, formatted for display.
formatted_customer_phone_number The customer’s phone number formatted for display.
formatted_duration The duration of the call formatted for display.
formatted_tracking_phone_number The business’ tracking phone number for this call formatted for display.
formatted_tracking_source The name of the call source formatted for display.
formatted_value The value of the call assigned via the CallRail dashboard, formatted as currency or “–” if not set.
full_customer_country The customer's full country.
full_customer_state The customer's full state.
ga Google Analytics 4 ga value, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
gclid Gclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
good_lead_call_id If provided, the id of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.
good_lead_call_time If provided, the time of the call that was originally scored as a good lead.
id Unique identifier for the call.
integration_data Company integration data collected for a given call, available for calls placed to website (session) trackers.
keywords The keywords the visitor searched for, if available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources.
keywords_spotted Array of keywords spotted, each containing keyword with locations in seconds offset from beginning of recording.
landing_page_url The URL the caller first landed on, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
last_requested_url The URL of the active page at the time the call was placed, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
lead_status The current lead status of this caller (as of this call). One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null.
medium “PPC” or “Organic”, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
note Any text notes to associate with this call.
prior_calls The number of times this company received a call from this customer prior to this call. If this is the first call from the customer, prior_calls will be 0.
recording A temporary URL pointing to an MP3 recording of the specified call. The URL returned in the response is not a permalink. It is intended for immediate use: either playback in a client browser or downloading the file to your own storage mechanism. The URL returned will expire in about 24 hours.
recording_duration The length in seconds of the recording, if available.
recording_player The URL for a stand-alone recording player for this call, if available.
referrer_domain The domain that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to keyword (Session) trackers.
referring_url The URL that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
source_name The name of the tracking number within CallRail.
speaker_percent A JSON object containing the values of the percentage of time spent talking by the agent and customer on a call.
start_time The date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset.
tags Any tags which have been applied to this call.
total_calls The total number of calls received from a customer's phone number.
tracker_id If provided, only return calls to this specific tracking number.
tracking_phone_number The business’ tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format).
transcription  A transcribed copy of the voicemail message. A transcribed copy of the voicemail message. Requires enabling Conversation Intelligence and call recording.
utm_campaign utm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter, or as specified in the configuration for source trackers.
utm_content utm_content as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
utm_medium utm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter, or as specified in the configuration for source trackers.
utm_source utm_source as captured from the landing page parameter for session trackers, or as specified in the configuration for source trackers.
utm_term utm_term as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
utma Google Analytics _utma value, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
utmb Google Analytics _utmb value, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers
utmc Google Analytics _utmc value, available for calls placed to Keyword (Session) trackers.
utmv Google Analytics _utmv value, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
utmz Google Analytics _utmz value, available for calls placed to keyword (session) trackers.
value A number representing the value of this call.
voicemail  Boolean; whether the call ended with a voicemail (true) or not (false).
waveforms Only present if the call was recorded. Contains the URLs of two images representing the volume of the call over time.
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