Voicemail report

The Voicemail report offers a convenient way for you to follow your voicemail activity, allowing you to pinpoint key information using customizable insights. All transcribed voicemails for tracking numbers that a call flow containing a Voicemail step is attached to will appear here.

Getting started

You'll need to be on a Conversation Intelligence plan to enable transcriptions and view them in the Transcription column of your Voicemail report.

Learn more about Voicemail Transcriptions in this help article. 

Need to print, export, or save a report? You can follow the instructions in this article to do so.

Voicemail report overview

  1. Click Analytics on the left navigation bar. 

  2. Click Activity at the top of the page.

  3. Choose the company whose Voicemail report you'd like to view. 

  4. Select Voicemail from the Calls section in the left menu.

  5. Choose an interval for how your data will be presented. The interval options available here will vary based on your date range. Your filter options are dependent upon what you choose in this drop-down.


  6. The report initially loads with a list of voicemails received by all companies. The columns display information related to each call. Use the Edit Columns button to choose which columns you'd like to see on this table.

  7. If you'd like to search for specific names, numbers, or locations within the "Contact" column of the report, use the Search Contacts field at the top of the table to find your desired information.

  8. Use the filter panel at the top of the report to determine which companies and types of voicemails you'd like to see within a particular timeframe.
  9. Use the company drop-down to choose which companies should be on this report. You can select as many or as few as you'd like.

  10. Use the date range drop-down to select the timeframe for the voicemails you'd like to see on this report.

  11. If you choose to drill-down further, select Add Filter and pick the additional filters you'd like for your report. This drop-down only shows if you're adding filters. If you choose the Tags filter, you can also see voicemails that don't have tags applied to them by selecting the "Uncategorized" option in the filter's drop-down.

  12. Optional: You can see a separate chart and table featuring details about voicemails received by a specific company or tracking number by selecting the desired company or tracking number within the report. Use the Edit Columns button to choose which columns you'd like to see on this table.

    When CallRail shows marketing attribution data such as source, campaign, referrer, medium, and landing page, typically the contact's First Touch milestone is represented. This means how a contact engages with your company for the first time is captured in your reporting. 

  13. Optional: You can call back a number by clicking on the number within the "Contact" column of the table.

  14. Optional: You can play a recording, leave a note, and visit a user timeline by clicking on the icons on the right of each row within the table. 

Compare data

Use these instructions to compare data within your report. 

  1. Place your cursor over the date range drop-down and click the plus icon that appears.
  2. Choose your desired comparison period by clicking on the comparison timeframe drop-down. You can create a custom timeframe by clicking on Custom. You'll see a comparison chart for the two time periods you've chosen.

    3. To exit the comparison view, click on the X that appears after placing your cursor over the comparison timeframe drop-down.



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