Add and edit sources for cost per lead reporting

Add sources with manual spend amounts to your cost per lead reporting to track the return on investment for your marketing efforts in one, centralized report.

Getting started

Adding sources with manual spend amounts allows you to include other marketing efforts you're tracking inside CallRail to also display in your Multi-Touch Cost per Lead report alongside the automatic integrations. For example, if you'd like to see your CPL for a billboard tracking number or a Google Ads extension source tracking number alongside the rest of your CPL reporting.

Check the status of automatic sources

For automatic spend calculations, you can integrate the Multi-Touch Cost per Lead report with Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, and Facebook Ads. With these direct integrations, we will automatically pull in the spend for each ad and calculate your cost per lead.

Use these help articles to set up those direct integrations for CPL reporting:

CPL for Google Ads.
CPL for Facebook Ads.
CPL for Microsoft Advertising.

The three automatic sources for the CPL report will show a current status as the first three rows of the CPL Sources table:  


Automated means that your integration is currently active and pulling data into the CPL report.

Activate means that your integration is currently deactivated. Follow the link to activate that integration. 

Fix Configuration means there is an issue with the setup of your integration. Follow the link to go to the integration page to fix your integration. 

Add a manual source to CPL reporting

Use these instructions to add a source with a manual spend amount to your Multi-Touch CPL report:

  1. Click the Analytics on the left navigation bar.

  2. Click Reports at the top of the page.

  3. Choose Multi-Touch CPL from the Acquisition header on the left.

  4. Click the Manage Spend button at the bottom right.

  5. Choose the company where you'd like to add a manual source to CPL reporting.

  6. Click + Add Source Spend at the bottom of the existing list.

  7. Select a source from the dropdown. This dropdown reflects the sources in your CallRail account, either tied to tracking numbers or form tracking.


  8. Enter the date range and spend amount for that source, so we can calculate your cost per lead as customers call that tracking number or submit a form.

  9. Note: Add a new source line for each new date range that you're entering a manual spend amount for accurate cost per lead reporting.

    For example, if the cost of an ad in December and the cost of the same ad in January are different, give each date range a separate source line.


Is there a difference between how manual sources and integrated sources are calculated in the cost per lead reporting?

Integrated sources (through Google Ads, Facebook, and Bing) are always associated with visitor-level data through website pools. That means, once a customer calls or submits a form we can attribute any first touches from those customers through the captured keyword data. Static source tracking numbers, such as the ones you put on a billboard or mailer can only capture starting at the Lead Creation touchpoint when a customer contacts your business. Therefore those sources will always capture the First Touch and the Lead Creation touch at the same time for those sources.

For example, we can't know if someone Googled your business before they call a phone number on a billboard because that data isn't available to us. When a customer calls your billboard tracking number that would count as both their First Touch with your business and their Lead Creation Touch which made them known to you.

Read more about cost per lead attribution touchpoints and calculations.

Understand the differences between source tracking and visitor tracking.

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