Setting your agent availability

Lead Center Agents can set their online or offline status to designate when they're available to speak with customers. In order to take calls, Agents using Lead Center will need to set their availability to online. This status is visible to all other agents.

Setting your status

  1. When you first open Lead Center, you'll see a message asking if you'd like to set your status to Online. If you're ready to start talking with customers, click Go online.

  2. You can update your availability status at the top of the inbox by clicking on your name and choosing the status you prefer. If you would like to make yourself unavailable for inbound interactions, select Offline from the dropdown menu. You can still make outbound calls and texts from Lead Center, but you won't be able to accept incoming interactions.


  3. When you are actively handling an interaction and you are part of a call queue, your status will automatically change to Unavailable. Once you wrap up your conversation, your status returns to online and available to speak with the next customer.
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