Integration alerts

Integration alert emails can be created for delivery to any Administrator or Manager on your account. These emails notify the recipient if an integration has failed or if an integration has been in a pending state for over 24 hours in the companies they've set up alerts for.

If the integration stays in a failed or pending state, we will send email reminders after 7, 14, and 21 days. If you reset the integration to active or disabled, you won't receive any additional emails.

Getting started

We'll automatically create an integration alert email subscription for you whenever you activate an integration (if you didn't have one already). These email alerts are set to "All companies." You can delete or edit these email alerts as needed.

User permissions

 Different user levels have different capabilities regarding integration alert emails:

  1. Administrators can create or delete integration alert emails for themselves and any other Administrator or Manager on their account.
  2. Managers can create or delete integration alert emails for themselves and other Managers in companies they're assigned to.
  3. Reporting users are not eligible to create or receive integration alert emails. 

Creating an integration alert email notification

  1. Click the Account icon in the top left to open the My Account panel, then click Notifications.

  2. Select Integration alerts from the Account Alerts section in the left menu.

  3.  On the page that follows, click Create Alert

  4. Select the user to receive the email from the drop-down. The email address shown will be the one attached to their user settings.

  5. Click Save to complete the alert creation. It will now be shown on your Integration alerts page.

Deleting an integration alert email notification

  1. Click the Account icon in the top left to open the My Account panel, then click Notifications.

  2. Select Integration alerts from the Account Alerts section in the left menu.

  3. On the Integration alerts page, locate the row containing the alert you'd like to delete and click the trashcan icon at the far right.
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