Greeting step

The Greeting step in the Call Flow Builder allows you to make a recorded announcement to your callers. You can upload an MP3 file of a greeting you own or type in a message that CallRail will read to the caller in a friendly voice. 

Getting started

We recommend placing a few test calls from a telephone number that's not included in your call flow to ensure your calls are routed as expected once your call flow is assigned to a tracking number.

Once your call flow is set up, you'll assign it to the appropriate tracking numbers. You can assign the same call flow to multiple tracking numbers.

If you prefer not to use the Call Flow Builder, you can implement a greeting on your tracking number's "Edit" page

Create a greeting step

Call flows are company-specific in your account. Follow the instructions below to create a call flow with a greeting step for the company of your choice.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company where you’d like to use a Greeting step.
  3. Select Workflow at the top of the page.
  4. You can select one of the template options to create a new Call Flow or you can edit an existing call flow.
  5. Name your call flow at the top of the page.
  6. Choose your call recording preference. Slide the toggle to ON to record all calls to this call flow. Keep the toggle OFF if you don’t want calls to this flow recorded.
  7. Select Greeting from the list of available steps.
  8. Select Read Message and type in the message you'd like CallRail to read to the caller in a female voice. 
    Please note: If you're on a UK or AU plan, you'll have the option to select a language from the dropdown menu above your message.
  9. Alternatively, select Play Recording to upload a recording from your computer you'd like to use.
  10. Once you've created your greeting, select additional steps where calls should forward according to your business preferences.
  11. Continue configuring your call flow to your personal preference. Then, select Save at the top of the page to save your call flow.
  12. In the pop-up window, assign your call flow to one or more of your tracking numbers. Select Assign when done, or Skip to skip the step for now. If you skip this step, you can assign call flows to tracking numbers on the All Numbers page at any time.
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