Swap Precedence Rules

If you are tracking multiple sources using dynamic number insertion, what happens if a visitor matches two or more of your swap criteria? CallRail’s JavaScript snippet has swap precedence rules that dictate the order in which tracking numbers will appear in these types of situations.

For example, if you have the following setups, you would want to be sure the tracking numbers were not interfering with one another:

  • A source tracking phone number for "Google Ads" and another source tracking number for "All Search."
  • A source tracking phone number for a landing page parameter, and a website pool for "All Visitors."

The following sources are listed from highest priority to lowest priority. Earlier rules in this list take precedence over later rules.

  1. Landing page parameter swaps (Example: utm_campaign=mycampaign) and landing page URL options are equal (example: Visitors who land on www.landingpage.com).

  2. Specific referring URLs (Example: Google PPC, yelp.com, direct visitors).

  3. Referrer groups (Example: Google Search, All Search, Organic Search, PPC Search).

  4. Source tracking numbers set to "Always Swap."

  5. Website pools.

This means that any source tracking number will always take precedence over a website pool. If you create a website pool to replace a source tracking number, set the swap setting on the original source tracking number to "offline" (or deactivate the unused phone number completely) to allow the website pool to function.

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