Troubleshooting dynamic number insertion

The following steps will help you troubleshoot your CallRail JavaScript snippet and dynamic number insertion (DNI).

Getting started

You must test each page where you have installed your JavaScript snippet separately. For example, entering a landing page URL will not test the entire website.

Please note: If you are using CallRail's auto-test feature, each test will check the web page for all tracking numbers in your company. In this case, you may see some tracking numbers show as “not found.”   

Where is the swap script placed?

It’s important that our swap script is as close as possible to `</body>` tag in your site's code. You can follow this guide for additional troubleshooting steps.

Is your site cached on your browser?

We recommend testing your website on a computer that has not been to the site before. You can also use a private browser (like "incognito" mode on Google Chrome). If these options are not available, please contact our Support team.

Is your swap target correct?

The swap target is the telephone number CallRail replaces with a tracking number. If the swap target is incorrect, your numbers won't swap. Please view this guide for additional troubleshooting steps.

Is your swap target formatting correct?

If you notice your numbers are not swapping, use this guide to check your swap target formatting.

Is another tracking number swapping instead of a number from your website pool?

You might be overriding your website pool with other tracking numbers. Check our swap precedence rules for more details.

Are you using caching plugins?

Certain plugins, like WP Rocket, can cause the JavaScript snippet to fail. You can follow this guide for additional troubleshooting steps.

If you are still having issues after following the troubleshooting steps in the guides provided, please contact our Support team.


Are there other ways to test dynamic number insertion (DNI)?
Yes, you can manually test DNI to simulate different kinds of web visits.

How do I prevent a number from swapping?
If you don’t want your numbers to swap, you can follow the instructions in this support article.

Why isn't my number swapping in the click-to-call button on my website?

Make sure you format the button with our recommended HTML. Our recommended formatting for the HTML is:

<button> {swap_target} </button>

We won't swap a swap target coded as the following:

<input type="button" value="{swap_target}">

You can also make the swap target a link inside of a flex-box, or wrap the number in a box so it looks like a button.

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