Placing an outbound call from the call log

In this article, you'll learn how to place an outbound call to a customer who's previously called you. You can also place outbound calls from your tracking numbers using Lead Center, the Lead Center mobile app, or the CallRail mobile app.

Getting started

On your call log, you'll have the option to return a call to anyone who's dialed one of your tracking numbers. When you return someone's call from the call log, we'll dial your number first, and you'll be asked to "Please press 1 to connect to (phone number)." Once you answer, we'll dial the recipient for you. From their perspective, it's just like you called them directly from your phone — except your tracking phone number will show up on their caller ID.


Please note: you cannot use international numbers to place outbound calls from the call log.

How to identify an outbound call

CallRail logs your outbound calls in your call log so that you and your team can see your inbound and outbound calls in a single place. Any outbound call on your call log will be marked with this icon:

Calling from the activity call log

You can return a call to a customer who's previously called you directly from your call log.

Note: if you need to call someone who hasn't called you first, you can sign up for Lead Center.

  1. Select Analytics on the left navigation bar.

  2. Select the Edit Columns button in the Call Log and check the box for Contact. Select Apply.

  3. Select the phone number you'd like to call in the Contact column of the Call Log. 


  4. Next, choose the phone number that you will be calling from. This is the number where we will call you; the caller won't see this number. Select Begin Call to call your customer.

  5. After you select Begin Call, we'll dial your number and you'll be asked to "Please press 1 to connect to (phone number)." Once you answer, we'll dial the recipient for you. From their perspective, it's just like you called them directly from your phone — except your tracking phone number will show up on their caller ID.

Other methods of placing outbound calls

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