Multi-company view

Lead Center supports a multi-company experience. You can select up to ten companies and manage everything in one streamlined inbox.

Entering Lead Center

When signing into Lead Center, you can select up to ten companies. After selecting the companies you'd like to view, select Launch Lead Center, and you will receive notifications for those companies in your Lead Center inbox. In the upper left corner, you will see your agent name plus the total number of companies you have selected.

Placing calls and texts

When you have multiple companies selected in Lead Center, you’ll need to make sure you are placing calls and texts from the correct company. In the dropdown menu under From, you can select which company you want to use by selecting a tracking number associated with that company. 

Team View

When navigating to Team View, you’ll be asked to pick a company to view. Once you select a company, you’ll be able to see all the teams associated with that company. To change the company, you can select the dropdown menu located in the upper left corner.

Inbox filters

Inbox filters such as interaction types, tracking numbers, agents, and tags, are sorted by company. Make sure you are filtering by the proper company to get the right results. 

Interaction information

When you have multiple companies selected in Lead Center, the company name will appear in the session info section of the interaction details. This will help clarify which company is associated with the interaction. 

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