Lead Center is a lead management and communication system designed to help marketers and small business owners capture, manage, and engage with their leads, all in one place.
This guide teaches you how to use Lead Center and Lead Center best practices from an agent's perspective.
How to access Lead Center
- Sign in to your CallRail account.
- Select the Lead Center icon in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen.
- If you have Lead Center access for more than one company in your account, choose the correct company from the dropdown menu.
Using Lead Center
The Lead Center interface is broken into three areas.
The inbox
The inbox is in the panel on the left side. It contains a list of people who are currently or were recently in contact with your business via phone calls or text messages. The inbox is divided into two sections: Active and Reviewed.
- Active includes incoming interactions and interactions that an agent is currently handling.
- Reviewed includes interactions that have concluded. The Reviewed section is anchored to the bottom of the inbox.
The interaction panel
The interaction panel is where the action happens. The telephone dialer and texting interface live here. When you answer a call, information about the caller populates the box. When you choose a lead from the Reviewed section, you can see more details about their most recent interactions. The interaction panel is also where you can access the interaction history of your leads, which includes a list of every time that person was in contact with your business.
You can also use the classification section of the interaction panel to mark a lead as qualified or unqualified, add tags to an interaction, assign a monetary value, or add notes. The information you record here is transferred to your main CallRail account. Learn more about classifying interactions.
Here's the interaction panel that hosts your telephone dialer:
This panel displays call information and classification options during an active call:
Lead details and classification status
The panel on the right is divided into two sections.
- Lead details: This section contains basic information about whichever lead you selected at the time. It matches up with the name and phone number recorded in other areas of CallRail, such as the Call Log and reporting tools. Learn more about managing contacts.
Classification status: this section shows the last interaction you had with that lead that was classified.
Calls and text messages
Placing phone calls and sending text messages
The telephone dialer and texting interface are both located in the interaction panel in the middle of the screen. You can toggle between the two by selecting the icons in the top right.
Please note: you can receive inbound calls and place outbound calls from U.S and Canadian numbers. You can also receive inbound calls from international numbers. However, you cannot place outbound calls using international numbers.
Answering incoming calls and text messages
When someone calls or texts one of your tracking numbers and gets sent to Lead Center, they will appear in the Active section of the inbox. All of the agents who are active and associated with the call flow will see the lead.
- Learn more about placing and answering calls in Lead Center.
- Learn more about sending and answering text messages in Lead Center.
Using the wrap-up step
When configuring a Lead Center call flow, your administrator may choose to route calls to a call queue. The call queue puts calls in a line based on the order they were received and sends them to the agents of a team, one at a time, until some answers. Each agent has 30 seconds to answer the call before it moves on to the next agent.
While you are actively on a phone call, you are removed from the queue of active agents and are not available for incoming calls. After the call has ended, you must hit the wrap-up button in the top right of the interaction panel to make yourself available again.
- You can select the hangup button at the top of the interaction panel or wait for the lead to hang up.
Answering an incoming chat
If you're using chat tracking with Lead Center, you can also accept incoming chat messages from customers on your website. For detailed instructions on handling chat interactions, check out this help article: Handling Chats in Lead Center.
Accessing a lead's interaction timeline
Lead Center maintains an interaction timeline for every lead. This timeline includes a list of every instance in which that lead has interacted with your business, including inbound and outbound communications. If you have CallRail's JavaScript snippet installed on your website, the timeline will also record visits to your website in the lead's timeline, even if they didn't contact your business until later.
- Select the name of any lead in your inbox. You can view a lead's timeline no matter which section of the inbox they are currently in.
- Select the more interactions link in the top right of the interaction panel. This will display a full list of every time the person has interacted with your business.
- Select any interaction in the timeline to view details about that interaction.
- To return to the timeline, select the more interactions link again or the X button in the top right of the interaction panel.
Setting your availability status
At the top of the inbox, you should see your name next to a dropdown menu. The dropdown menu controls your availability status, which determines if you are available to take incoming interactions. Learn more about agent availability.
Updating user settings and voicemail
Each agent has their own set of permissions that allows them to access and use certain features in Lead Center. This includes setting up a voicemail box unique to one agent, as well as monitoring and viewing permissions for Agents and Teams. Learn more about agent permissions.