Own your clients' call tracking experience with CallRail's Agency Resources. Add your company's branding to your account with our white label feature, and create custom pricing plans to bill customers directly for their usage by setting them up with their own account that you help them manage.
White labeling your CallRail account
The white label feature is popular with agencies that want to present their own brand to their clients. Instead of reaching your CallRail account through http://app.callrail.com, your clients can access the account via a custom subdomain with your name and logo, giving you greater freedom over how your brand is presented as your clients take part in call tracking.
With white labeling, your brand remains front and center. We'll remove all CallRail branding from your account, including from your online reporting dashboard and email notifications.
Learn more about the White Label feature with this help article.
Manage customers across different accounts
Enjoy greater flexibility with your call tracking billing strategy.
Account Center is your home base for accessing and managing multiple accounts. Designed with our agency customers in mind — and useful for anyone with more than one CallRail account — Account Center brings all of your client accounts into one dashboard and provides easy access to the tools you need to manage them.
Learn more about Account Center with this help article.
Bill customers separately with Customer Invoicing
Create custom pricing plans, bill your customers directly for their usage, and keep track of the financial side of your call tracking operations with customer invoicing. Customer Invoicing allows you to manage usage and rates for customers you are billing both inside and outside of CallRail.