Bulk uploading Contacts

You can use these instructions if you'd like to add multiple people as Contacts. 

Only one CSV can be uploaded at a time, but multiple uploads can be processed at the same time. Once your upload is complete, we will send you an email notification that links back to the Contacts page.

How to bulk upload Contacts

Admins and managers can follow the steps below to bulk upload Contacts to Lead Center.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar. 
  2. Choose the company where you'd like to bulk upload contacts.
  3. Choose Contacts from the Lead Management header on the left.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the page, select Import.
  5. We recommend that you download our CSV template and fill in your Contacts data. You can find the CSV template attached at the bottom of this article.
  6. You can drag and drop your file or select Add file in the window to upload your CSV. When finished, select Import to upload your Contact.

Please note: There is a 1000-character limit for bulk uploaded notes.


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