Marketing Sources Explained

Not sure what marketing sources you can track with CallRail? The lists in this article contain the many online and offline marketing sources you can track using CallRail software.

Online Source Examples

PPC - An interaction from a visitor who contacted the company via a paid advertisement (Google, Bing, or Yahoo ads).

Organic - An interaction from a visitor who contacted the company via an Organic search (did not click an ad to visit the website).

Facebook Ads - A visitor who contacted the company by clicking a Facebook ad (requires Facebook integration).

Facebook Referrals - A visitor who contacted the company by accessing the website through the company’s Facebook page (will normally show Source as “”).

Web Referrals - The page the visitor accessed the website from before contacting the business. These can often include utm variables for a specific campaign (i.e. utm_campaign=email).

Landing Pages - The page the visitor landed on before contacting the business. These can often include utm variables for a specific campaign.

Direct - A visitor who contacted the company by directly visiting the website URL.

Directory Sites - A visitor who contacted the business via a listing on a directory site like Yelp, Angie’s List, Craigslist, etc.

Google Ad Extension - A CallRail tracking phone number registered and displayed with every Google Ad a business runs, and are reported with Google PPC as the Source.

Google My Business - A visitor who contacts a business via their business listing on Google (i.e. a visitor searches for “Plumber in Atlanta” and uses the business list in the search results to contact the business).


Offline Source Examples

Yellow Pages

Direct Mail

Print Ads

TV and Radio Commercials

Flyers and Brochures


Call Extensions

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