Visitor tracking basics

Correlate calls to individual website visitors to track PPC keywords driving calls and see the full visitor path, before and after the call.

The foundation of visitor-level call tracking is a pool of phone numbers that belongs exclusively to your business. Every time a visitor arrives on your website, we assign them a phone number from your pool. The visitor sees this phone number the entire time they’re on your website. Each phone number is assigned to one visitor at a time, so you can link calls directly to individual visitors.

Getting started

When your business receives a call via a number in your pool, CallRail knows which visitor it was assigned to, and we associate that call to the source and keyword the caller used to find your business. When the visitor is finished browsing your website, we free up that phone number so it can be assigned to another visitor. You'll know which marketing sources are driving calls, and you'll be able to drill down to the individual search visitor level and link calls to specific web visitors and their actions on your site.

What sources I can track with website pools?

Here's a full list of the sources you'll be able to track using your website pool:

  • All Website Visitors: track every visitor to your website, regardless of their marketing source. This is the method we recommend in most cases. 
  • Google Ads: track only visitors who came to your website from your Google Ads campaigns.
  • PPC Search: track only visitors from your Google, Bing, and Yahoo ads.
  • Landing Page: track only visitors who land on a specific page on your website. You can enter a domain to track, like, to track a specific page on your website. You can also enter a specific parameter to track, like utm_campaign=ppc1, to get keyword data for specific campaigns.
  • Referring Page: track only visitors from a specific website, like
  • All Except Direct: track all website visitors except for those who enter your website URL and navigate to your site directly.
  • All Except Direct & Organic: track all website visitors except for those who find your website through organic search engine results or by typing in your website's URL and navigating to your site directly.

Implement visitor tracking

Implementing visitor tracking takes only a few minutes. Once you've created a website pool, add your company's JavaScript snippet to your website to enable dynamic number insertion, and we do the rest. If you’re already using our source-level dynamic number insertion on your website, it’s the same code, so you’re all set.

Follow these steps to create a website pool.

Learn more about installing the JavaScript snippet.

Available data from visitor tracking numbers

Here's the information available with visitor tracking:

- Source Type (Google PPC, Google Organic, referrals from, etc.).
- Keywords (for all PPC, including Bing & Yahoo calls).
- Landing page.
- Complete page view history of the caller.
- Referring domain.
- Medium.
- Tracking number called.
- Date and time of the call.
- Caller ID.
- City.
- Duration of the call.
- Device type.
Any ValueTrack and/or UTM parameters configured for your ad campaigns.


I have thousands of keywords! Do I need a phone number for every keyword?

Fortunately, you don’t need thousands of phone numbers for visitor-level call tracking. Because CallRail assigns phone numbers to active visitors, you need just one phone number per concurrent visitor (with a minimum of four numbers), or enough numbers to cover concurrent visitors during peak hourly traffic on your website.

Will CallRail show me keywords I'm not bidding on?

We can only track keywords you’re actively bidding on. Keywords will not be passed for Organic traffic. Read this article on why Google does not allow organic keywords to be tracked.

How do I know how many concurrent visitors I have?

You can estimate how many simultaneous visitors you have by looking at Google Analytics. CallRail recommends creating a pool that is a quarter of the peak hourly traffic reported in Google Analytics (with a minimum of four numbers). For example, if you have 100 visitors in an hour, a 25 number pool should be sufficient.

For more details on assessing your website pool's size, see this help article.

Can I create more than one website pool?

You can create multiple website pools to track different websites or phone numbers on a website. If you'd like to add more than one website pool per company you can follow the instructions in this help article.

Do website pools count as one number?

No, each phone number in your website pool will count as one phone number. For example, if you choose a pool with 30 visitor tracking numbers, then you will have 30 numbers total on your invoice.

Can I integrate with Google Analytics?

Yes, you can integrate Google Analytics with CallRail when using source and visitor tracking.

Can I integrate with Google Ads?

Yes, visitor tracking allows calls to be sent to Google Ads as conversions. 

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