Increase the size of a website pool

When creating a website pool, you can choose to create anywhere between four and 50 numbers for your pool. If you've already created your pool, you may need to adjust how many numbers are in your pool after viewing your Number Assignment table.

Getting started

The size of your number pool determines how many concurrent visitors we can track on your website at any given time. Your pool size should be a quarter of the peak hourly traffic reported in Google Analytics, with a minimum of four numbers.

If you need to add more than 50 numbers to your pool, please contact our support team, and we can handle that for you!

Increase website pool size

To increase the amount of numbers within your pool, follow the instructions below. 

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company whose website pool you'd like to increase.
  3. Select the Pencil icon at the right end of the website pool's row to access its configuration.
  4. On the configuration page, use the Pencil icon in the upper-right of the Number Pool Options menu. 
  5. Select the drop-down menu under Pool Size and indicate the amount of phone numbers that should exist within your pool.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the section.
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