Edit call routing settings

You can remove a call flow from a tracking number by editing your call routing preferences. Once you update your tracking number, calls will forward to a single destination number instead of a custom call flow. This occurs immediately upon saving any changes.

Please note: CallRail may be unable to forward calls to certain mobile numbers in the United Kingdom and Australia. This is due to cost structures associated with carriers in t

Switch to basic call forwarding

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company whose tracking number you would like to update.
  3. Select the pencil icon for the tracking number you’d like to update. This will take you to its main configuration page.
  4. On the next screen, click the pencil icon in the upper-right of the Number Options menu.
  5. Under Forward Calls To, select the Number tab.
  6. Enter the single destination number where calls should forward.
  7. Choose Save at the bottom of the section when finished.

Edit call routing settings for multiple numbers

Account administrators can edit call routing settings for multiple numbers at once using the Bulk edit option. We will send you a confirmation email once all your numbers have updated.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.
  2. Choose the company where you would like to bulk edit tracking numbers.
  3. Select Account-Level Numbers at the top right.
  4. Select the number(s) you would like to bulk edit.
  5. Select the Bulk Actions button at the top left.
  6. Select Call Routing, then click Next.
  7. Choose a Call Routing preference for all of your selected numbers.
    - Select Forward these calls to a new number to forward all calls to your tracking number to a specific phone number.
    - Select Forward these calls to a call flow from this company to forward all calls to your tracking number to a call flow. This option is only available if all of your selected numbers belong to the same company.
  8. Select Save Changes.


Can I configure my tracking number to route calls to another tracking number in my account?

We do not recommend forwarding calls from one CallRail tracking number to another. This configuration will cause:

  • duplicate charges for minutes,
  • duplicate calls logged in reporting,
  • and can also result in extended connection times for the caller.

It is highly recommended that you configure your tracking numbers to route to a number hosted outside of CallRail or a Lead Center agent.

We also do not recommend routing calls through more than one call forwarding system, as doing so could cause unintended behavior.

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