You can edit the caller ID for anyone who has called or sent a text message to one of your CallRail tracking numbers. In some cases, caller ID information only includes the city and state where a phone number was created. Renaming the caller ID helps you attach names and associations to the people reaching out to your business.
Getting started
Editing a caller ID will update a caller's name in every place that it appears in your account. Caller IDs can only be edited for callers that have not been marked as anonymous.
Learn more about how CallRail handles caller ID options.
Renaming a caller ID in the call timeline
Follow these instructions to update a caller ID from your caller timeline.
- Select Analytics in the navigation bar on the left.
- In your call log, select the Timeline icon for the caller ID you’d like to edit.
- Select the Pencil icon next to the caller ID at the top of the page.
- Enter a new name for the caller ID.
Renaming a Caller ID in a text message
Follow these instructions to update a caller ID from your text conversations.
- Select Analytics on the left navigation bar.
- Choose Text Conversations from the Texts header on the left.
- Select the Timeline icon next to the caller ID you’d like to edit.
- Select the Pencil icon next to the caller ID at the top of the page.
- Enter a new name for the caller ID.
Renaming a caller ID in Lead Center
Follow these instructions to update a caller ID in Lead Center.
- Select Lead Center on the left navigation bar.
- Select the name of the person you'd like to edit in the inbox.
- Select the Pencil icon in the personal details card in the top right.
- Enter a new name for the caller ID.
Will edited caller IDs appear on my mobile phone when I receive calls from those numbers?
No, caller IDs that you edit will only appear in your CallRail account.
Can I change the caller ID associated with a form submission?
Yes, you can change the caller ID for a form submission. This will not change the name the visitor entered on their form if it's different than what they filled out on your website.