Transfer tracking numbers between companies


Currently, When you transfer a tracking number to a different company, tags applied to calls to the tracking number will not transfer with the rest of the call data to the new company.

Account administrators can move tracking numbers and call logs between any company in their account. If you would like to transfer your tracking numbers to another account, you can refer to this article.

Getting Started

Administrators can move tracking numbers and call data to another company inside of their CallRail account by using the "All Account Numbers" page. Numbers attached to call flows require a new routing selection before they can be moved to another company.

CallRail’s JavaScript code for dynamic number insertion is company-dependent within your account. After moving numbers to a new company, make sure the JavaScript code on your website includes the new company’s script. 

Learn how to install your company's JavaScript snippet for dynamic number insertion.

Move a number to a different company

Any administrator can move tracking numbers between companies in a single account. The move may take a few moments if you are moving a large amount of tracking numbers to a new company.

  1. Select the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the company you'd like to access.

  3. Select Account-Level Numbers at the top right. 

  4. Choose the number(s) you'd like to move to a new company.

  5. Select the Bulk Actions button at the top left.

  6. Select Move Numbers, then select Next.

  7. Choose the company where you'd like to move the numbers you've selected. Then select Save Changes.


Do I need to update my swap script when moving numbers between two accounts?

The only time your swap script needs to be updated is when numbers are moved to a different company. If a company is transferred to your new account, you will not have to change your script. However, if the numbers are moved to a new company, you will need to update your script.

You can test dynamic number insertion at any time to check if numbers are swapping correctly.

Can I move numbers that are attached to a call flow from one company to another? Yes. You must first change your routing selection to either a new destination number or a call flow from the destination company.

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