Transfer tracking numbers between accounts


When you transfer a tracking number to a different account, call tags that have been applied to calls to the tracking number will not be transferred with the rest of the call data to the gaining account.

Need to move your tracking numbers to another account? Our support team is happy to take care of this for you on the backend of your account. Follow the steps in this article to get started.

Move numbers between accounts

In order to move tracking numbers to a new CallRail account, you’ll need to create the new CallRail account if you haven’t already.

Create a new account through this link.

Once your new account is active, contact our support team with the following information:

  1. You will receive confirmation from an administrator on your account and a list of numbers that should be moved.
  2. Confirmation from an administrator on the new account and a list of numbers they’d like to move to their new account.


Do I need to update my swap script when moving numbers between two accounts?

Your swap script only needs to be updated when numbers are moved to a different company. If we’ve moved an entire company to your new account, you won’t have to change your script; however, if we’ve moved the numbers to a new company, you’ll need to update your script.

You can test dynamic number insertion at any time to ensure your numbers are swapping as intended.

How does moving a number affect billing?

When numbers are moved to a new account, the new account will take ownership of those numbers, and will see them on their next invoice.

Does the historical data (calls, texts, etc.) get transferred as well?

Yes. When a tracking number is transferred between accounts or between companies, all available historical data is transferred with it.

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