Swap targets

The swap target is the phone number CallRail looks for on your website to dynamically replace with a tracking number. By default, the swap target is the destination number, but you can choose a different swap target for each tracking on the number configuration page.

If you have more than one unique phone number on your website that you’d like to replace with a tracking number, you can configure multiple swap targets for a single tracking number.

Getting started

When changing or adding swap targets to a tracking number, our JavaScript snippet detects multiple number formats, including 111-222-3333, 111.222.3333, and (111) 222-3333. You can use any local or toll-free number in one of these formats to swap with a tracking number on your website. 

Tracking numbers outside of the United States and Canada will swap with any standard telephone number in the national format on your website. If you want to swap with a number outside of the United States and Canada in the international format, please contact our support team

Changing the swap target

When you create a tracking number, the destination number entered automatically becomes the swap target. If you have a different number on your website you’d like to swap with instead of the destination number, you can change the swap target on the number configuration page.

  1. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the company whose tracking number you’d like to update.

  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) for the tracking number you’d like to update.

  4. Use the Edit icon to open the Number Insertion Options menu.

  5. Enter the telephone number on your website you’d like to replace with a tracking number into the field titled Swap Target.

  6. Click Save at the bottom of the section to save your changes.

Edit the swap target for multiple numbers

The Bulk edit option allows account administrators to add a swap target to multiple tracking numbers at the same time. We'll send you a confirmation email once all of your numbers have been updated.

  1. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar. 

  2. Choose the company where you'd like to bulk edit tracking numbers.

  3. Click Account-Level Numbers at the top right.

  4. Choose the number(s) you'd like to bulk edit.

  5. Select the Bulk Actions button at the top left.

  6. Select Swap Target, then click Next.

  7. Enter a new Swap Target for all of your selected numbers. You can add additional swap targets by clicking + Add Swap Target.

  8. Click Save Changes

Adding multiple swap targets

You can use any local or toll-free number on your website as a swap target for a tracking number. You can add as many swap targets as necessary to your tracking numbers. If you haven't enabled multiple swap targets on your account yet, follow the steps in this support article and then return to these instructions to add additional swap targets to your tracking numbers.

  1. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the company whose tracking number you’d like to update.

  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) for the tracking number you’d like to update.

  4. Use the Edit icon to open the Number Insertion Options menu.

  5. Enter the telephone number on your website you’d like to replace with a tracking number into the field titled Swap Target. To add additional Swap Targets, select + Add Swap Target and type the numbers into the provided fields. 

  6. Click Save at the bottom of the section to save your changes.


How can I get my tracking number to swap with a vanity number on my website?
Our support team can configure a vanity number (i.e. 1-888-EXAMPLE)  as a swap target for you. You can submit a ticket and let us know which tracking numbers need to swap with your vanity number, and we'll set it up for you on the backend of your account.

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