View phone numbers in your website pool

Your Number Assignment Table shows how your pooled phone numbers are assigned to visitors at any given point in time so you can determine whether or not your phone numbers are swapping too quickly. 

You can also use your Number Assignment Table to see the numbers that make up your website pool. 

Getting started

The Number Assignment Table does not show incoming calls. Incoming calls appear in your Activity Call Log. When a call is received, that incoming call will be correlated to the specific visitor/keyword/source listed on the Number Assignment Table at that moment.

CallRail has a minimum requirement of four numbers within a website pool to reduce the likelihood of a visitor-to-call misattribution.

For example, a caller's session and visitor timeline may not display accurate information if there were two or more visitors viewing the same tracking number at the same time. For this reason, we provide the Number Assignment Table to make sure you have the right amount of visitor tracking numbers for your website's traffic.

View your website pool numbers

  1. Click the Settings icon on the left navigation bar.

  2. Choose the company whose website pool you'd like to view.

  3. Click the link in the Tracking Numbers column that correlates with your website pool.


  4. Here, you will see a list of numbers within your website pool. This page also provides the Number Assignment Table. This shows how often your pooled phone numbers are assigned to visitors so you can determine whether or not your phone numbers are swapping too quickly.
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