Decrease the size of a website pool

When creating a website pool, you can choose to create anywhere between four and 50 numbers for your pool. If you've already created your pool, you may need to adjust how many numbers are in your pool after viewing your Number Assignment table.

Getting started

The size of your number pool determines how many concurrent visitors we can track on your website at any given time. Your pool size should be a quarter of the peak hourly traffic reported in Google Analytics, with a minimum of four numbers.

Decrease website pool size

To decrease the quantity of numbers within your pool, please reach out to our support team, as this is something we take care of on our end.

CallRail has a minimum requirement of four numbers within a website pool to reduce the likelihood of a visitor-to-call misattribution. In this case, the caller's session and visitor timeline may not display accurate information since there were two or more visitors viewing the same tracking number at the same time. 

For example, if you listen to a call recording and find that the keyword data for the call does not match the caller's conversation, this could potentially indicate a misattribution. To see how often your website pool is assigning numbers, you can always check your number assignment table.

When decreasing a website pool, CallRail will remove the numbers from your website pool at random. If there is a specific number from your pool that needs to be retained, please let our support team know in your request so they may permanently transfer that number out of your pool. Once a number is transferred out of your website pool, it will remain in your account as a source tracking number.

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